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Why Does My Vape Crackle & How Do I Fix It?

Every vaper will find themselves with a crackling vape at one time, but they do not want to find it. We will discuss why your vape is crackling and at the same time, discuss some methods that one can employ to prevent these issues.
What does crackling mean?
First, let’s establish that your vape crackling is completely normal. The crackling sound you hear when you take a hit from your vape pen is, in fact, the sound of the vape liquid actually boiling inside the atomizer. This crackling sound created from that liquid entering the tank turns into vapor after being heating due to the coil; that was the vapor we inhaled.
There can be other reasons for it, though. To make you understand better now, about the device in your hand, we will be talking more about the prime causes that lead to cracking in a vape.
- Coil Material: You can have a variety of materials for the coil in your atomizer. If this coil belongs to the mesh-type or has more than a coil, it gives you far more room to vaporize. This will, of course, enhance the flavor and vapor. However, the noise will keep on rising as you vape.
- E-Liquid Type: The type of e-liquid you are opting to vape may vary the sound of it. Throwing of e-liquid is mainly influenced by its diluents, i.e., the proportion a viscosity or thinness an e-liquid holds to. On choosing more percentage of Propylene Glycol (PG), the e-liquid gets thinner, which is a diluent of thin nature. Contrarily, on an increase in the percentage of Vegetable Glycerin (VG), the e-liquid gets thick. It is characterized by a stronger crackling in thin liquids, or in a mixture with higher PG. The other way round, the more viscous the liquid, the less noise there.
- Vape Power Output: This is another factor that can determine the noise produced by your vape. High-powered devices should heat e-liquids at a faster rate, leading to sounds. For MTL devices, the output is usually on the low side. This makes the gadget less noisy.
However, if your vape device’s power output is too low, it may form a gurgling noise. Too much e-liquid may collect if you are vaping at too low a power setting. The coil head accumulation could lead to spitting.
How to Rectify Vape Crackling?
- Cleaning Vape Tank: E-liquid could only leak through the flow of air or rise across the mouthpiece. Blow gently through the mouthpiece without firing it to clear the excess e-juice, particularly towards the bottom of the tank. Wrap a tissue around the airflow opening or set it on a tissue to dab away until the e-liquid is no longer leaking. Once you’ve taken a few solid drags, usually the crackling and spitting will stop. On the other hand, you can give the device a very gentle shake down while holding a tissue over the mouthpiece; this way, you will be sure that as you wipe the mouthpiece and chimney, all the liquid gets OUT.
- Adjust the Power Setting Down—Much Lower: The lower the power, the less power is going through your coil, so it will make less noise. The crackling will last longer, though. An alternative to this method is slowly closing your airflow if it’s wide open to reduce the volume of airflow through your vape tank.
- Switching Vape Juice: Changing the vape juice can be another solution. This can be a way of trying to reduce the noise without completely eliminating the vaping experience, making it a way around the problem if you are not going to change your device but really want the noise to go away. The place in which this crackling sound is ignited is by merely selecting a vape juice that contains less PG (Propylene Glycol) and more VG (Vegetable Glycerin).
- Shorten the Length of the Pull: The longer the drag, the more air your vape will suck in and hence the louder the crackling sound will be. If you are doing a longer pull at each draw, you should make it shorter.
- Devices Replacement: If the concerns and issues are quite major, then the last and most extreme option available becomes the replacement of the whole gadget. It is absolutely the best option if you are facing that poor, unpleasant, disturbing kind of vaping experience
For the best vaping experiences, Vape’n Vapor offers an amazing range of products starting from the best quality vape kits to the disposable vapes.
Crackling is one of the most common vape kit problems, though it doesn’t need to be a source of frustration. The probability of this happening can be altered by heeding the advice provided in this article. Remember that priming your coils is a patient process; be careful not to overprime them or to rip for too long. With these simple methods, you will continue vaping without spitting or crackling.
Satisfaction is guaranteed at Vape’n Vapor, but if you are ever in need of assistance on what may be causing your device to crackle or troubleshooting problems, then feel free to discuss it with any of our in-store staff for device support. Be sure to shop our various disposable vaporizers today!