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5 Ways to Prevent Vape Tank Leakage

The vape tank is probably the most important aspect of your vaping setup. With a wide variety of vape tanks on the market, selecting the right vape tank can be one of the biggest decisions you make for your vaping investment. Once you have purchased your tank of choice, it is important to understand that maintenance of your tank and its longevity is entirely up to you.
Vape N’ Vapor has come up with five easy and practical ways that address how to prevent vape tank leakage and maximize the lifespan of your tank.
1. Fill the Tank Properly
One of the most obvious ways to prevent vape tank leakage is to fill the tank properly. Although this may seem like a no-brainer, accidently getting juice down your tanks central airflow tube is the most common reason for tanks gurgling and leaking. Avoid the chimney and don’t overfill your tank. Leaving an air pocket at the top is a simple way to prevent vape tank leakage.
2. Are Your O-rings Damaged?
Leaks are also commonly caused by damaged or worn away O-rings. If you notice your vape tank leaking, take the time to take it apart and ensure that your O-rings are not the issue. Damaged O-rings compromise your tank’s air seal. If O-rings are your leakage problem, fear not, they are easy and cheap to buy, simply refer to your manual for correct sizing.
3. Clean Your Tank
Over time, your vape tank is bound to build up unwanted gunk in the air intake or juice chamber. If gone undetected, this can be the root of your problem. Regularly cleaning your accessories is an easy step to take to prevent vape tank leakage. The steps are simple; take your tank apart, wash it in cold water and let it dry out overnight unassembled. If you are a flavor connoisseur, you may need to perform this task on a higher than average basis to prevent tan leaks.
4. Coil and E-Liquid Compatibility Counts
Depending on the type of tank that you select for your vaporizer, the coils that come with it are important areas to remember when tank leaks arise. The coils in your tank are built for specific E-liquids to be used in them. Thicker liquid in a coil that requires thinner liquid and vice versa can either clog your tank up or let un wanted liquids through, with both leading to a leakage problem.
5. Cracks Are Tank Killers
In order to function correctly, a vape tank has to be airtight. If you are noticing leakage during your vape sessions you may need to take a look at your tank before breathing in your next hit. Even something as simple as a thin crack or piece of bent metal can ruin the requirements of your vape tank being airtight. Usually, these are inexpensive replacements.
Get Quality Vape Tanks from Vape N’ Vapor
If you are having trouble understanding how to prevent vape tank leakage, or need to replace any vape tank parts, contact Vape N’ Vapors today. Our expertise in the industry and wide variety of products are what makes us the leading provider for vape tanks and other related products in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.